Eye issues…

This week I got really behind on everything… I always lay down with my son to put him to sleep. He tosses and turn a lot before setteling. On Monday night while he was turning one of his nails scratched my right eye. Nothing too bad until then. I was actually feeling fine, and went to sleep almost 2am because I doing stuff around the house. On Tuesday morning though my eye was on fire. I knew I was in trouble because I was in agony. I was able to get a doctor to see me at noon, improvised an eye patch and kept working the best I could. When I got to the doctor I could not open my eye. He put an anesthetic in order to perform the exam. When he looked at my eye he shouted “Oh my God, what happened to your eye?” He actually looked under my eye lid because his theory is that  a piece of nail got stuck in my eye, and literally had a ball with my eye ball… No need to say that this week I had to do a lot of resting with my eye, and use a lot of antibiotic cream…

I did manage to finish block two of “Stars in the Garden”:











In general I am pretty happy with it because it is so pretty, and once it’s quilted I know it will be fine… but my points on the leaves totally suck! Points are so hard. But I am having so much fun with it that I’m not going to let my technical deficiency spoil it. Overtime I know I’ll get better.

I also got my quilting attachments for my 31-15. I have yet to try it, but they look promissing.
