Quick update

I just wanted to stop by to thank everyone for their kind well wishes and prayers. It means a lot to me. I am getting better, slower than I wished, but then again when I think about all that my body went through I know I need to be patient. I am back at work on reduced hours. I am constantly tired, and it takes a lot for me to get up to go to work every day. By the time I get home all I want to do is lay down. God bless my mom for allowing me to do just that, since she’s the one taking care of my son. I don’t even have the energy to do anything on the train, I just sleep both ways. Unfortunately my commute time is the opportunity I have to do the editing work for the podcast. I have a lot of it done, but after everything that’s been happening I want to change a few things. I don’t have the energy to carry my laptop with me, or even to record more material. I knew this first week back at work would be tough, but I’m grateful that the worst is over. Please continue to bear with me, I just can’t wait to be myself again and to pick up the mic. Thank you for your support and understanding!

5 Responses

  1. So glad to hear you are feeling a bit better. Take care and be very patient with yourself. I know it’s hard, perhaps the hardest thing we women have to do. Our bodies are so amazing – strong and fragile at the same time. I found herbal teas to be helpful. Raspberry Leaf in particular is very nourishing.

  2. I totally know how you feel. I’m a retired tailor/fiber artist with multiple chronic illnesses. I’m medically disabled, but have had to return to work part time when my husband was laid off. It’s a struggle to get through my days. Like most women, I push myself (which is why I’m in the physical state I’m in), and the hardest lesson we have to learn is to take care of our bodies and minds so that we can take care of our familiies and life in general!

    Be kind to yourself and spare what extra energy you have for your family – the rest can wait!

  3. sorry to hear you have had such a rough time – hope you are feeling a bit better by now and had nice holidays…

  4. Sorry to read you had such a scare. Glad the surgery went well and you are on the mend. Take it easy and know we will be waiting whenever you are able to “talk” to us again.

  5. I was just checking in on your blog since I had not heard a podcast from you lately. Wow, what a scare. It is great that you have your mother near by to help out . I hope that your health is improving and you are feeling stronger as the days pass. Just know that there are many quilters, crafters and sewers that will keep you in mind.

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